Building 6364, Varmint Infestation, After Work

Building 6364, Varmint Infestation, After Work

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The infestation was discovered and reported on May 11, 2021 by a new occupant of the building. The report was made to the management company via email.

The maintenance people reluctantly responded on May 28, 2021, 17 days later, after the management company involved a board member (Scott Keeter) and after a large series of back-and-forth emails.

An occupant of the building had tracked down and identified an ingress point on a west side eave because the incompetant maintenance people could not locate it. They constructed a temporary patch that used screws driven through the soffit and the roof to secure it. It is likely their screws have damaged the roof.

The infestation report included a request to not only patch the ingress hole, but to clean up the mess left in the attic. The request detailed the simple process of remediation performed by honest and reputable companies who handle such things. Such companies abide by simple Tulsa Health Department guidelines: a) Remove the soiled materials; b) Disinfect the remaining structural members; c) Replace the removed materials with like things.

Somone (likely the board member) hired a plumbing company (!) to do the remediation work. The attached pictures document the shoddy work performed:

  • The workers merely spot picked only some of the piles of raccoon feces and large patches of urine.
  • They simply covered certain areas with new insulation.
  • The large swaths of squirrel feces and urine were completely ignored. No attempt was even made to hide the contamination which is widespread and severe. Large areas of insulation are trampled down to little more than a quarter inch! If your electric bill is abnormally high you have a reasonable explanation.
  • The new insulation that was applied was not of the same type and quality as the original.
  • No disinfectant was applied.
  • Some air freshener was sprayed to try to mask the horrible stench and make one think the disgusting mess had been dealt with.
  • As seen in the photo documentation from a later date, the company missed a large raccoon latrine right near their own entry point into the attic. It is possible they missed it due to incompetance, but it is much more likely they purposely left it to bless the occupant below.